Legal notice

In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSI-CE), is reported expressly, precisely and unequivocally, both the recipients of the service and the competent bodies, the following aspects relating to the provider of services of the information society:

ANÁLISIS VÍNICOS, S.L. with CIF: B13271739 and registered office at CTRA. ALCAZAR DE SAN JUAN CM-400 KM 0,5 CP, 13700 TOMELLOSO (CIUDAD REAL) with mail address

Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real, volume 212, book 0, folio 40, section 84, page CR-4854 Sheet BIS, 1st inscription.


The present Legal Notice informs about the conditions of navigation through the website (hereinafter, the website). The mere access to the website implies knowledge and acceptance of this Legal Notice. Browsing this Web Site gives the surfer the status of User of the site, which implies acceptance of the same at the time of accessing it. The Owner of the Website recommends its careful reading and acceptance, and the user must abstain if there is no conformity with them. The User is aware and accepts that the use and navigation through this Website is done in any case under his sole and exclusive responsibility. The Owner of the Web Site may modify at any time the terms and conditions of use of this Web Site.

If it is necessary for the User of this Web Site to provide personal data, such data will be treated under the conditions described in the Privacy Policy. This Legal Notice is applicable only to the information contained in this Web Site. In no case shall it be applicable to the contents of the pages of third parties linked from this Web Site.

Intellectual property

ANÁLISIS VÍNICOS, S.L. is the owner of all the rights over the software of the digital publication as well as of the industrial and intellectual property rights referred to the contents that are included, with the exception of the rights over products and services of public character that are not property of this company.

All intellectual property rights of the Website, including those mentioned and the Website itself as a whole belong to the Owner and / or their respective authors, having the appropriate permissions for use, which reserves the right to modify and / or delete the contents of the site. Under current intellectual property legislation, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its mode of making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of the Owner, are expressly prohibited. All the elements that make up the Website are protected as copyright by law.

Access to this page or browsing it does not imply, in any case, transfer of such copyright to the interested party. You may view the elements of the Website and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of your computer or any other physical medium provided it is solely and exclusively for your personal and private use.

Industrial property

The registered trademarks or distinctive signs present on the Web Site are the industrial property of their legitimate owners. It is forbidden to make use of them without their prior permission. The access to the same one does not confer to his Holder any right on the same ones. To all the effects, the same ones are put under the Law 17/2001, of marks (BOE December 8, 2001).

Navigation and responsibility

The Proprietor authorizes users of the Website to obtain a temporary copy, download and store the contents and elements inserted in the Website exclusively for their personal and private use. The Proprietor allows the total or partial quotation and reproduction of the contents existing on the Website, provided that the Proprietor is cited. The use of this Website for profit-making purposes is prohibited.

The Proprietor cannot guarantee the proper functioning of the Website in any case, however, it will endeavor in any case that such operation is appropriate at all times. The Proprietor is not responsible for any errors on the Website, as well as the malfunctioning of the Website.

The Proprietor has no control over such sites and content external to the Website.

In general, the Proprietor shall not be held responsible for the non-compliance with any applicable rule that may be incurred by the user when accessing this Website, including the misuse of the information contained therein. In particular, the Proprietor shall not be liable for viruses originating from a telematic transmission infiltrated by third parties (without being exhaustive, macros of word processors, Java applets, Active X programs and any other programs with malicious code), generated with the purpose of obtaining negative results in relation to this Website, and for which we decline all responsibility.

Ilegality of contents

You can report the illegality of the contents of this website and request the removal or blocking of the same by sending a request to the following address CTRA. ALCAZAR DE SAN JUAN CM-400 KM 0,5 CP, 13700 TOMELLOSO (CIUDAD REAL) or by email at

Recipients of the contents. Special mention to minors

The contents of this Web Site are intended for persons of legal age. Parents or guardians are responsible for assisting minors in browsing this Web Site, enabling, if necessary, the necessary mechanisms to prevent access by them to this Web Site. For all purposes, parents or guardians will be considered responsible for the acts carried out by the minors in their care.

Free of charge

The contents offered on this Web Site are offered free of charge.


The links indicated through this Web Site are offered as a complement to the information published on the Web Site. The Proprietor has no control over those responsible for these contents, which are external to this Website. The Holder shall not assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to an outside Web Site, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accuracy, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any such hyperlinks or other Internet sites.

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